Sunday, December 1, 2013

Madonna and Lady Gaga--Inspiration or Sheer Imitation?

In recent years, there has been much chatter about the similarities between the antics, style and music of Madonna and Lady GaGa. These likenesses have even incited a feud between the two entertainers.

Madonna has been very vocal about the similarities; in some forums she is reserved...

But in other forums, Madonna sarcastically comments about how she "loves" Lady GaGa, and how they will be "on stage together very soon"...


In this interview, Lady GaGa tries to take the "high road" when discussing the Madonna's acrimonious comments, but she is clearly uncomfortable...


Extensive Internet exploration revealed that that Lady GaGa began her career with an original style, and eventually began "borrowing" several of Madonna's looks, and even her sound. On one occasion, Lady GaGa's Born this Way song showed obvious parallels to Madonna's Express Yourself. The controversy was stirred again with more similarities between Lady GaGa's Applause and Madonna's Girl Gone Wild. However, Lady GaGa still maintains enough of her own originality to where she cannot be accused of complete imitation.

Follow the behaviors of each entertainer through the years in pictures and video, and judge for yourself:

Madonna's and Lady GaGa (aka Stefani Germanotta's) Early Years:

Stefani Germanotta/Lady GaGa in her first photo
shoot at age 20. The photographer was a friend, and
these pictures never actually made
it to a "printed" forum.

Playboy Photo Shoot 1978 (age 20) Clearly, 
"hair removal" was not a priority for Madonna
in those days. For your own emotional well-being,
don't inquire as to why the third black box is so large.
There are just some things that one cannot "un-see".


Still photo from A Certain Sacrifice, a
little-known movie filmed in 1980. Aptly
named, since Madonna is sacrificing
her self respect in this still shot.


Although Lady Gaga got a little racy with her photo shoot, she did not lower herself to the x-rated level evidenced in the Playboy photo shoot. A fit female body is beautiful, but I feel that Madonna's "spread" in Playboy reduced her credibility as an artist.

(With the exception of the dismal failure of A Certain Sacrifice, Madonna's later career success renders my opinion worthless.)

Obviously, Stefani/Lady GaGa was not channeling Madonna at this time...

One of Madonna's early performances at London's
Camden place in 1983. Her appearance and the overall
stage presence is quirky, but modest.

Stefani, pre-Lady GaGa in 2005 at a live
performance for MTV's Boiling Points show. She is
down-to-earth and and "real" in this performance.

Although the comparison between a still picture and a You Tube video is somewhat difficult, it is safe to say that Stefani/Lady GaGa was true to herself in this early performance.

Becoming mainstream-Madonna and Lady GaGa begin to craft their images and careers:

Madonna's controversial Like a Prayer video. At
several points in this video, she portrays herself
as deeply religious.

In this 2008 MTV Studio appearance, Lady GaGa's head wear 
is a racy version of a nun's habit. 

Madonna in the 1988 Bloodhounds of Broadway
movie. Not surprisingly, this was supposed
to be a series, but it got axed down
to a 90-minute flick.

A still shot from Lady GaGa's 2009 Bad Romance video.
Perhaps if she removed the rhinestones from her eyeballs,
she would be able to be see clearly and find a "good romance"
when the opportunity presented itself.

In the first comparison, Lady GaGa doesn't appear to be copying Madonna directly; the headdress is more of a vague allusion to Madonna's video. In her Bad Romance video, Lady GaGa's rhinestones and pearls ensemble (fortunately, minus the nipple-tassels) bear a slight resemblance to Madonna's get-up in the Bloodhounds of Broadway flop. At this point in their respective careers, it doesn't appear as if Lady GaGa is ripping-off Madonna's style.
Moving forward-the similarities are too obvious to ignore...

Promo shot for the Truth or Dare film, 1992.

Lady GaGa at a 2009 photo shoot in Boston. Her
choice of clothing, red lipstick and "spread-eagle"
pose is rather familiar...

 It's strange that no one seems to slam Madonna
for channeling Marilyn Monroe. In this Q
magazine photo shoot. Madonna's hairstyle is
a page out of Marilyn's playbook.  (Source:

Lady GaGa's appearance at a 2009 press
conference for the launch of her new line of
headphones. Is she imitating Madonna
or Marilyn? This one is a bit inconclusive.

 Madonna at the 1993 Girly Show. The
bra retained its popularity
(especially with Lady GaGa) but thank
goodness those pants went out of style
soon after.

Another odd Grammy Awards ensemble.
She chose an all-over fishnet ensemble
to supplement the shiny black bra. Seems
like a lesser evil when you consider Madonna's
atrocious red leather pants.

Madonna at a 1997 Vanity Fair photo shoot.
Her headdress makes her look somewhat
like a trashy version of a few of the Munchkins
in the Wizard of Oz. Check it out for yourself:
Anyway, Madonna's strange choice of headgear
will be repeated in the future, and taken


Lady GaGa at the 2010 Grammys. Apparently, the
sparkly spiked mace atop her head did not

Lady Gaga at a 2009 performance celebrating
the 30th anniversary of the LA Museum of Art.
I have NO IDEA what her headgear is supposed
to represent.

Lady GaGa at the 2010 MTV Video
Music Awards. I wish I could find the
golden goose that those feathers
were plucked from. Then I could give up
my day job...

Lady GaGa making the ball drop at the 2011
New Years' Eve party in Times Square.
Looks like SOMEONE went overboard
with the Bedazzler...

Madonna as a Geisha girl in a 1999 Harper's
Bazaar photo shoot. Seeing her fully-clothed
is a nice change. 

Lady GaGa takes Madonna's dark Geisha
look and lightens things up...except for
that MASSIVE seashell umbrella she is toting.
Madonna at the 1999 Versace Venus Show.
Hopefully, Donatella Versace gave her
a few tips on the future selection of
Lady GaGa at the 2011 CFDA fashion awards.
Despite its transparency, at least Madonna
was wearing a bra...
 In these comparisons, the evolution of Lady GaGa's style is showing drastic similarities to Madonna's. My favorite comparison is the final one. Lady GaGa clearly channels Madonna's lack of class in her nearly-topless shot. Ironically, both women were at fashion shows when these pictures were taken. Were they trying to show everyone what NOT to wear in public?
Lady GaGa barely conceals her Madonna imitations...check out this photo montage, and you'll agree:




Let's go to the video... 
The rivalry heated up between Madonna and Lady GaGa upon the release of her 2011 music video Born This Way. The sound bears a strong resemblance to Madonna's Express Yourself
Express Yourself

Born This Way

In 2013, Lady GaGa stoked the flames again with her release of Applause. The tune was again compared to Madonna's Girl Gone Wild.
Girl Gone Wild

 Although it seems that Lady GaGa has shamelessly copied many of Madonna's looks and even one of her songs, I still have to give her due credit for several ensembles that are completely her own. In closing this blog, I would like to include a pictorial "postscript" of some of her most "original" looks.

Perhaps I shouldn't mention that NO ONE ELSE IN EXISTENCE has actually worn anything resembling the outfits below...

A latex-draped Lady GaGa emerges from an egg
during her 2011 Grammy performance.

    Lady GaGa goes "intergalactic" (yes, I just made that up) 
at the 2011 European VMA's

There are no words that can adequately
describe this. Berlin, 2013.

The End